Supply Chain Assessment

supply chain assessmentSupply Chain Assessment

A Turn Key Solution actively conducts supply chain assessments to help organisations develop greater potential to flex or compress their supply chain operations.

We can offer an end to end supply chain assessment or a specific module to focus on a core area.

There is no "One Size Fits All" approach when it comes to assessing the integrity, complexity and potential to improve your supply chain.

We operate with a proven methodology that helps understand your business, evaluate issues and consider alternatives that best fit your scale and budget.



    We need to understand your business and construct an "ASIS" situation of the process(s), identifying real potential for delivering results quickly or over time. This is a journey that cannot be compressed simply because your business has had a bad experience with another consultant. We work with your team to get closer to the real issues and can fast track results.


    The design of any solution is based on addressing the needs of the ASIS phase and is then linked to the direction of your business and the level of invesntment needed to construct a final solution. Some initiatives are simply process changes which are low cost investments, however, systems integration with processes can be a higher investment in the right technologies for your business.


    Depending upon the type of problem, we are able to simulate the outcome of process changes, warehouse layout changes, inventory turns and deliveries to customers so that you are better equipped to make better investment decisions. This is the fun part of what we do and can be presented as a 3D visual.


    We work with you to deliver the solution. As constant focus on cost controls by supply chain, logistics or warehouse managers keeps them from delivering improvements, we can provide this project management focus. A rapid deployment approach is managed by ourselves working closely with your teams to deliver the best identified solution.


Feel free to contact our office for advice or to discuss any specific project requirements.
